Formatting HTML Messages

Messages can be formatted using HTML formatting tags. HTML tags are:

  • Used either side of a keyword you wish to format.
  • The tag always has angle brackets, denoting the starting and closing of the tag, for example, <html>.
  • HTML tags normally come in pairs, for example,<b> (the starting tag) and </b> (the closing tag).
  • You can use multiple tags, but each tag must have brackets at the start and end of the tag, for example, <p><b>.

This is a list of the most common codes:

Starting Tag Closing Tag Description
<h1> </h1> First Heading. Headings can be defined with <h1> to <h6> tags. <h1> is the largest heading and <h6> is the smallest.
<p> </p> Paragraph
<b> </b> Bold text
<i> </i> Italic text
<small> </small> Small text
<sub> </sub> Subscript text
<sup> </sup> Superscript text
<br>   This tag adds a single line break, it does not need a closing tag.

For example, applying the bold <b> tag to the 1st line of the message like this:

  • <b>Welcome to the Visionary Healthcare Practice</b>

Displays as:

  • Welcome to the Visionary Healthcare Practice
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